In accordance with the rules of the contest, the unit has to go on the lunar surface for at least 500 meters and send to Earth pictures and videos in high definition. Starting rover Audi lunar quattro is scheduled for late 2017.
Team Part-Time Scientists, which is working with Audi, is the only member representing Germany. Designed by a team of a prototype rover has already received two awards for a total amount of 750 000 US dollars for the development of the device and its optical systems.
The theoretical maximum speed of the device is 3.6 km / h, but because of the uneven surface of the moon much more important factors are throughput and navigational abilities rover. In front of the apparatus on a movable mount has two stereoscopic cameras, allowing to obtain the detailed three-dimensional images. The third camera is used for the study of materials and the creation of panoramic images of very high resolution.
At the start of the program «Google Lunar XPRIZE» It was attended by 34 teams, of which there are now 16.