For the first time in Russia: real ProMOD dragster!!!

We hesitated about disclosing this secret as we were not sure if we had enough time to bring it for the third round of the Russian Drag Racing Championship in Novokuznetsk. As you might know, getting through customs is a time-consuming matter. And right now, when you are reading this article, the bright green monster is still on its way to Novokuznetsk.

We hesitated about disclosing this secret as we were not sure if we had enough time to bring it for the third round of the Russian Drag Racing Championship in Novokuznetsk. As you might know, getting through customs is a time-consuming matter. And right now, when you are reading this article, the bright green monster is still on its way to Novokuznetsk.


This car had to cover 14,000 km to get to the Russian Drag Racing Championship and here it is. You might be the first to see a totally incredible car on the glued dragstrip of the Spichenkovo airport. It is a true pro-modified dragster built according to special ProMod class requirements, which refer to both the engine and body.

Our “Green Viper” is built on the base of Dodge Viper. Its carbon fibre bodyshell is mounted on tubular space-frame chassis, while under its bonnet it carries a Big Block 12.3-litre V8 engine fitted with a four-stage Nitrous Oxide System.

We need all your attention now! Its estimated horsepower is in the range from 1,500 to 3,500 hp (depending on whether the NOS is used or not).

ProMod class is rather young. It appeared in drag racing about 15 years ago but has become very popular. Typical results demonstrated by such cars vary in the range from five to six seconds; however, it is possible to achieve them only on a properly prepared dragstrip surface. That is why even now we can tell that it will be unreal to hit 6 seconds in Novokuznetsk.

Right now, our primary objective set for the third round of the Russian Drag Racing Championship is to hit 8 seconds. The global goal for the entire season is to reach at least 7.4 seconds or even try to hit 7 seconds. Billy Harper demonstrated best result behind the wheel of this “promod” in the United States — 6.2 seconds at the speed of 370 km/h.

Kristjan Käbi, a specially invited driver from Estonia, will be driving the car in Novokuznetsk. Further on it will be in the hands of Oleg Kondakov.

Looking forward to seeing you at the third round in Novokuznetsk!!