Solid Lord for solid gentlemen

Sometimes sports habits opened in such vehicles which are all in their appearance are called to talk about the slowness, smooth and unhurried. And more interesting to find cleverly hidden in them engineers and designers traits.

These cars never led me in awe, I did not understand the aesthetics of their bodies puzatenky and visual heaviness and clumsiness has always seemed to me more suitable for real estate, not for cars. And what?

Probably, if not the last season, there is nothing. Nothing would have changed, and I would continue to remain indifferent to the passing Bentley, the benefit in Moscow more than enough.

I can not say that my experience with cars Bentley brand is too large, but quite diverse. This was also winter and summer, and excellent paved road and even ice ovals Moscow Hippodrome; and all this experience convinced me that the point of this car is to deliver its driver or passenger from point A to point B. I have and continue to treat them as heavy-handed chest to pack people some form of transport, which is not so too pretty to pay for it the money. I would continue, if not... motorsports.

I make no secret of their automotive preferences. Especially with regard to racing here and have all proven that Porsche car better not. But racing series car class GT Porsche is not observed. But there is... Bentley. These Bentley roasted so that all other supercars just the sparks fly! These large, inflated like a wheelbarrow, left deep behind the majority of Ferrari, Audi, BMW, and other aerodynamic and designed for racing cars. The red water in the Belgian Ardennes, they tumble, so do not have time to turn his head and track their movement, they've disappeared behind the next turn. And to be honest, it delights.

It is clear that racing cars were not just set up, and rebuilt. From the all-wheel drive version has rear wheel drive, the car eased, many sites have changed, so from a civilian car remained at best half, but then the others as well.
This means that despite its solid become, despite its savory dimensions Bentley's essentially quite ready to be a race car.

Returning from a 24-hour marathon at Spa, I immediately wanted to experience first hand, what is the Bentley Continental GT, ie, the same compartment, which served as the basis for the creation of a racing supercar. But, as sometimes happens, first it had to be tested for strength purposes. According to the most different and independent from each other circumstances of my test drive was postponed several times, until finally, closer to December, I met with the ox-eyed as the Greek goddess Hera two-door car dark aubergine color.

Saloon car for me has always been the concept of a minor. In my opinion, it is quite usual austere upholstery and necessary equipment, if you enjoy driving. Important comfortable buckets, giving the right fit, the right distance located pedals, adjustable steering wheel in two directions and devices that supply you with all the necessary information. The line-lotion-finish is always located on the second place.

But when it comes to luxury cars, it is presented to him has other requirements. Quality finishes, color and brightness of the light, extra goodies, taking into account your needs and make your stay in the cabin is so comfortable that it wants to spend the night. And, of course, all functions are intuitive when you're not sitting on a clue, such as navigating a long time, sticking in turn all the buttons? As it was there.

In this sense, the Bentley Continental GT made me very mixed emotions. The first contact with the car turned out to be a surprise with a minus sign.
The handle on the inside of heavy doors in this compartment is too close to the loops, without giving the necessary leverage. To close the door, it is necessary to try fairly, at least, a woman, and among the owners of such cars a fair amount. I am having my first problem with the use of navigation. In addition, she is very thoughtful (probably a driver or passenger Bentley's definition, not in a hurry), there are «Lost in Translation»...

But here he makes an unforgettable impression of beauty. Deep, inky softest leather, big quilted seats, aluminum parts flashy decor appliances, air ducts and transmission — all this gives the impression of a very solid, solid, high-quality interior, created with a measured and thorough approach. Being behind the wheel of the car did not have a desire somewhere to rush headlong, spin the engine up to maximum speed, or set speed records.
By controlling the Bentley Continental GT compare yourself rather with the very bull which is now slowly descend from the mountains and...

The two-door execution by Bentley is designed to emphasize certain «sports» car. However, compared to c Mulsanne, Continental GT really feel sporty. Despite its weight, it is very agile and frisky, even though an initial start and acceleration slightly inhibited. They say that this is done in order to inexperienced housewife taking a car to drive her husband for going shopping, not «wound» the nearest tree, squeezed gas to the floor. But since 2000 (actually — 1700) RPM is a completely different car — a powerful and confident.
He soon comes to its maximum point, but keeps it to the last.
He is on the road behaves: powerful and confident. There is no fussiness puppy, like many of those that have received mnogosilny engine, regardless of the correct drive or competent suspension. When in a GT, you seem to put on armor, protecting you from the outside world blatancy and leaving the leather inside the car, you want to go back again, so much confidence and peace gives this car.

However, the idea of ​​sportiness that you leave the sample as soon as (or rather when) you are lucky enough to be driving a Bentley GT3 R — sports version, created for the glory of racing coupe.

That chance fell to me almost immediately after the test drive base version. Make this a truly wonderful gift my old friend and comrade Sergei Melyuh, now director of the salon «Bentley Moscow-Volgograd», more familiar as simply «Avilon-Bentley».

They say there are only two places where you can ride in a test mode for driving in the truest sense of exclusive car — Bentley dealer Company «Avilon» in Moscow and the factory Bentley in Crewe.
By the way, «Avilon» is just two cars, one in a traditional white, of which there are produced the vast majority, but the second — in the coal-black, very rare. Only 10 cars from the parties received the black color of the body.

Total planned to release 300 cars, and in many ways they are trying to repeat the best GT3, which has been repeatedly defeated in the framework of Blancpain GT Series. At Bentley GT3 R is the same (4-liter twin-turbo petrol V8) engine, which stands on the racing version. The only thing — it is slightly deforsirovan: 580 hp as opposed to 608 at the GT3. At the same torque it simply chic: 700 Nm, and it accelerates to 100 km / h on its all-wheel drive in just 3.8 seconds. A similar suspension, but instead of the rear-wheel drive. For extra weight there no fighting.

Honestly: After this test I believe that Bentley is actually able to build a powerful and dynamic machines. The first time I drove it in the passenger seat — and the spirit I grabbed at the first acceleration. And let the weather for the test was not the most suitable (near-zero temperatures and wet asphalt), and at first there were fears that the coupe just can not cope with such conditions, after some time, all doubts were dispelled. Even later, at the wheel, I was convinced that Bentley GT3 R is capable of very many things, visible and refined appearance — merely a deceptive cover, under which there is a spreading, powerful and robust beast. He is sexy in itself, but the fact that his prototype to win races, adds with nothing incomparable charm.

His appearance is not typical of a sports car, and it is a contradiction of external and internal causes great interest. In today's automotive industry is, perhaps, another example of a similar concept — a Nissan GT-R. Bentley also GT3 R — is a luxury version of the «GeTeRa» for those who buy a Japanese does not allow position or conceit. But all the characteristics, feelings and maybe they are very close. And if you like one, you obviously like the other. At least, this car I would definitely named discovery of the year, and a sex symbol of any dream-car garage.
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