Cheap engines for Formula 1

In the Formula 1 continue to search engines for budget cars.

Finally, the FIA ​​expressed their desire to start negotiations with the suppliers of engines, but one of the company won the bid — is unknown. The fact that in 2014 in the «Formula 1» are used turbocharged 1.6-liter engine with a system recovery. They make Mercedes AMG, Ferrari, Renault and Honda, that's just the cost of them are huge.

It was decided that the royal race needs an independent supplier for the budget-budget-teams.

In fact, the picture is as follows: top teams will depart the space, and state employees to go «on ARRIVAL» and compete among their own kind...

AER, Mecachrome and Ilmor — Meet the companies that participate in the tender for the supply of low cost power plants for the «Formula 1» in 2017. All three bidders for the supply of engines are behind experience in the racing series. AER supplies engines for GP3, Series Indy Lights and commands Rebellion and Kolles, acting in the world championship endurance race in the class LMP1. Mecachrome in 2016 will supply engines for GP3, and in 2017 — GP2. And Ilmor engineers working on power plants for teams INDYCAR brand Chevrolet. Earlier, his voice was supplied and Cosworth, but they withdrew their application.

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