Parking in London in Russian

In London looking for violators of traffic rules on the BMW M6 with Russian numbers.

£ 7,000 — a fine, which recently was released by police BMW M6 with Russian numbers for parking. However, all of the machine including 50 fines, but paid for only four of them. Apparently, the owner decided that the Russian numbers prescribe penalties, no one will.

On the violators have noticed representatives of the Westminster City Council. «We are positioning Westminster as a peaceful and safe place to park. But it is enough just one irresponsible driver to stop the movement in some parts of the city, „- said City Manager Heather Acton.

If the driver will continue to demonstrate the wonders of parking, he has threatened criminal penalties. Because now it is only an administrative violation, the Russian side has not yet will provide the name of the owner of the vehicle UK experts who have repeatedly asked for assistance.

So they just have to continue to leave the envelopes with letters of happiness under the wipers BMW: «We would like to appeal to you, as a guest of Westminster that you respect our parking regulations and comply with them. However, we want to make sure that residents who live and work in Westminster, not burden your behavior, „- the head of the parking area addresses in London, Sarah Sutton.

Ashamed of compatriot? Nevertheless, in the English ranking debtors fines motorists from Russia occupied only 17th place (60 penalties amounting to 17 800 lb). The first in this ranking perpetrators are French with a total outstanding amount of 318 300 pounds.

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