Return Bronco

Ford is going to revive its iconic SUV Bronco, which remained so almost half of the last century.

Out of production in the late nineties, he again entered a special line in the company's plans.

According to Motor Authority, the return of Bronco may be initiated by the release of a new generation Ranger. Pick-up will appear in 2018, and its platform will be the basis for a new model, which will be assembled in Michigan the next two years (by the time the pipeline will go to the last C-Max and Focus).

With regard to the Bronco, he takes in the model lineup Ford SUV place Everest, which is now being implemented only in the Australian, South African and some Asian markets. The revival of the Bronco gives hope that it will be a global model.

Classic SUV, having soundly frame, continuous rear axle, four-wheel drive with ponizhaykoy, impressive ground clearance. Of course, under the hood of this offroudnogo heavyweight millet and more powerful engine than the Everest, but in this case will not.