Calendar Russian Series circuit racing in 2016: 7 stages on different routes

There was a calendar SMP RSKG 2016! The new season of Russian Touring Car Championship for the first time to visit the circuit Fortress Grozny.

Compiled by the main ring competitions calendar of the country. The new season of the Russian promoter SMP Racing Series will conduct 7 stages in the classes «Touring» «Touring Light», «super-production» and «National». RSKG junior championship, like last year, will be held in the format of five-stage competition.

The project calendar includes seven first-class circuits in different regions of Russia: Moscow, Smolensk and Nizhny Novgorod regions, Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Tatarstan and Chechnya.

Russian Touring Car Championship will delight audiences from May to September, the individual stages will be held together with foreign series.

So, the first stage of SMP RSKG 2016 will take place at the Smolensk ring together with the TCR European Trophy: with the Russian participants of the class «Touring» at the start of the pilots will come from the European championships.

At issue is a stage on ADM Moscow (Myachkovo) — Circuit willingness to accept the competition of such a high rank will determine the Commission of the Russian Automobile Federation. As an «alternate airfield» act Smolensk ring.

— We still will be glad to return to one of the first stationary routes in the modern history of the Russian motor racing — the head of the NSR RSKG Oleg Petrikov. — I hope that the circuit will be held successfully commission RAF and stages of the Russian series this year never recur. Separately, I note on the latest stage of a planned racetrack Fortress Grozny — he had never received the ring this level of competition, but colleagues from the organizing committee RSKG SMEs, which have already been there, praised the level of road and staff qualifications.

The final well of a brilliant experience this year, we plan to hold in Kazan. Like last year, we will be happy to carry out the individual steps in conjunction with the series MitJet 2L, the benefit that many pilots SMP RSKG also take part in it and achieve victories.


May 14–15 — «Smolensk Ring» (with TCR European Trophy and the junior championship RSKG)

May 28–29 — «Nizhny Novgorod ring» (with junior championship RSKG)

June 18–19 — «Circuit Sochi»

July 2–3 — «Fortress Terrible» (with junior championship RSKG)

July 23–24 — Moscow Raceway

August 27–28 — ADM «Moscow», Myachkovo (with junior championship RSKG)

September 17–18 — Kazan Ring (together with the junior championship RSKG)

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