Freak-record holder ... or to work in bed

We have the opportunity to ride on the road, without getting out of bed.

Who would have thought! After a hundred years since the creation of the first vehicle with an internal combustion engine, we have the opportunity to ride on the road, without getting out of bed. And all thanks to the eccentric in love with cars.

Born Edd China (Edward John China) May 9, 1971 in the family car mechanic. I learned in the King Edward's School in Whiteley, and received a degree in engineering systems from the London South Bank University. Since childhood, Edd China has been obsessed with cars. Still in its infancy, he began to disassemble all kinds of equipment in the garage of his father. Millions of ideas in my head swarmed Briton crazy. It was necessary to carry out his plan. Edd graduated from the Faculty of Engineering and founded his own company Cummfy Banana Limited in March 1999. Thus, the young man began to earn money to their hobby. Say, is not this can be considered a true happiness?

Crazy made famous invention, Ed, and he did not appearances on television and radio shows. Many probably know an interesting program with its participation «Schemers». He also appeared in the Top Gear, where he worked as a mechanic for several seasons. He demonstrated the Rover 800, which gained over 200 pounds, put a lot of gadgets in the style of Bond, such as bailouts seats, weapons (guns for paintball), the protection of the rear window, and so on. D. 100 pounds. Also makes double-decker cars Top Gear (series 11, episode 6, the British against the Germans).

Edd creates unique vehicles that exactly attract people's attention. Many of his works entered the Guinness Book of Records.

The first of its infamous «invention» has become a self-propelled sofa with speed 111 km / h. Tell me, would you rush to work in pajamas, a blanket hiding? Hardly? But how unusual!

During his life, Edd China received the award for the fastest bed in 1998. His first masterpiece with the engine he created himself, not having behind any assistants or company. In 2007, Edd himself broke his record. Now he developed a bed of 140 km / h! And two years before this engineer-inventor took it into his head to create the largest shopping basket height of 3.5 m! Walk you imagine shopping, and trolley rides herself behind you. Elegant invention, only a very very great. Although the construction of the house is fine, and make life easier for workers.

After shopping basket Edd received the award for the fastest office. The Guinness book filled with more unusual eccentric masterpieces from England, and the people saw that fantasy can be enabled to create, create... Who cares that it will not be sold. Interesting, unusual, and this is important. What about the bathroom and toilet, which are always with you? Yes! It affects...

Who «furniture self-propelled „unique vehicles for advertising, corporate advertising work and special occasions — all this makes the company Ed — Cummfy Banana. Edu is to dream and to transfer their thoughts in the drawings in the production workshop.

On the wonderful person you always want to know more, so we could not resist and decided to take excerpts from the interview, which Edd China gave one of the channels.

If you have entrusted to make the presidential car, whatever it was?

I always wanted to collect some exotic cars, which would not be like a machine. Something like the jungle or the savannah, or something like that. It would take a lot of time. It is necessary to find out what he likes, but I think he would have liked something really exotic.

Is there any car that you shaking?

In the first place — is McLaren F1. I think this is a perfect machine, it is really amazing. It's all done to the maximum, without restrictions. But I also like crazy Citroen DS. This car is in his later years was very clever. Some of its features are still used in modern cars. I think that this car is a work of art on wheels.

Is it difficult to get a license to drive those cars that you do?

Of course, my company has to face some difficulties and bureaucracy, but if the right to fill in all the necessary papers, the chicanery of the authorities will not. Over the years, the company, I learned what to do to get the go-ahead to use my machine, although over the years, becoming more complicated.

Over machines whose production it's easier to work with?

Most of all I like to work with cars made in Germany. They are made of high quality and good materials. In Italian cars, particularly in Fiat, Alfa Romeo had a problem with the quality of steel that rusted all the time. And we always laughed: «If any Alfa Romeo is still alive is a miracle.» But c German cars such as Volkswagen, Porsche and Mercedes, a great pleasure to work. And our family, the British, the machine over time severely corrode.

What car do you drive in normal times?

I have a few machines, the mood and the seasons. There MINI Cooper S with automatic gearbox. It is good to drive around the city, although in the countryside, this little car is not very. But in such cases, I bought Range Rover P38. I also have a very «sporty» van VW T5 engine with 175 hp In the summer, on those rare days when the sun is shining, not pouring rain, I keep the car-sofa Casual Lofa.

Restored Did you ever Russian cars?

Unfortunately no. But I'm really looking forward to this opportunity. I really like the car, I do not remember the name, but it is small, air-cooled engine, and behind three windows... like three windows. In my opinion, this is a fantastic car! I would very much like to work with her, and I think on some shows, I'll do it necessarily.

Do you have a lot of spare time?

Unfortunately, very little. Well, in general, when it comes, I design the production version of the car-sofa. Suffice it interesting thing. Sometimes I just relax: I drink tea or a walk in the countryside. I believe that the afternoon tea — a great way to spend the day!

Over a legendary car you would like to work with?

I really liked the DeLorean, and my dream has come true to work on it. Now I would like to restore Amphicar. It's such a amphibious vehicle, which I once drove on the same show. The sensations are amazing! When finished sofa, he can design the amphibious vehicle.

Where did you get such an interesting name, you are an Englishman?

For England, the name of a rather rare. Someone led the study with name and China believes that we belong to Scottish clans Monroe and, perhaps as a result some fight fled from the British, in my opinion, to Ireland and there changed the name. I really wonder where it came from such a name, because people with name China has around the world. I know that name and was archbishop, and pirate. A few years ago, a spectator from Romania said: «Do you happen to Romania? We have plenty of people with the name of China „. Probably have to go out there and find out.

What would you do with a car if you did not keep a budget?

If the budget is unlimited, then... then I would have turned the car into the carriage for Cinderella, in a desert island, in the amphibian in a flying car... In general, the list can grow indefinitely! Better I'll hold these ideas for the next show!

Edd China — an amazing man with amazing dreams. Among his records — fastest office, the fastest toilet (68 km / h), and even the fastest garden shed (94 km / h), there are no less unusual creature — a box on wheels. Anything that does not move without Edda Chyna with him got wheels and a motor. I bet soon in the Guinness Book of Records will again record an unusual vehicle, and host it sure will be a great and resourceful Edd China?

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