Lego'mobil for Batman

The American collected from Lego bricks full-size Batmobile.

If you are an engineer, then you do not stop to build a car — even the lack of spare parts. Not available accessories? No problem! Lego bricks can take in children and collect the missing. No, it's not crazy, just an American artist Nathan Savaii really picked up the car from the children's designer of Batman.

Well, this workshop in order to be envied! By the way, before the artist he worked as a lawyer, but the last ten years devoted himself entirely to Lego. Some of his sculptures are estimated at $ 10 000.

It took him a full assembly 5.5 meter car 500,000 Lego bricks and three months of work. In fairness, we note that he helped the artist and creator of DC Entertainment Jim Lee.

The premiere of the car will take place in late November in Sydney at the exhibition Art of the Brick, which will be presented sculptures out of Lego on subjects comic studio DC Comics.

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