Blancpain GT Series: really

What happened this weekend at the Misano circuit in Italy, you can truly make racing in the anthology.

What happened this weekend at the Misano circuit in Italy, you can truly make racing in the anthology.

Blancpain GT Series held here a penultimate stage sprintovymi two races — in fact, something like this happened in Moscow in the summer, with only one difference — the first qualifying race was the evening, or rather, night. Beauty attack and defense exceeded all conceivable limits, and the most severe accident, which occurred at the start of the first race, and worthy to enter the history books.

I will not for a long time to explain the rules and scoring system — if you would be interested, it is always possible to look at the official website of the series in the relevant section. But to be clear, I will say the following: The qualification consists of three segments, with the pole in each category team gets one point. The first race is called the qualifying and the grid is spread on the basis of qualifications. Points are allocated as a 8-6-4-3-2-1. The second race takes place on the next day, and the grid is spread at the end of the qualifying race, and consider how 25-18-15-12-10 glasses... etc Perhaps this is all you need to know.

Another important information: in the competition «Pro» and, therefore, overall, we cheer for the team of Vadim Kogay Rinaldi Racing on the bright green of the Ferrari 458 Italia, which serves three athletes — German Marco Zifrid, the Austrian Norbert Sidler and our Rinat Salikhov. At the same time Marco and Norbert — absolutely «his» guys who quickly perceived as Russian, so what that speak a different language.

I want to say that motorsport is the basic thing — the lack of nationality. There are just not their own. Well, about «Reno» and say nothing! Our in all respects!

The Pro-Am championship team performs GT Russian Team Viatti, and there are going Alexei Vasiliev and Marco Asmer (at number 70) and Alex Karachi and Christoph W. Bush at number 71.

On the eve of Misano it rained and the track just to be fed with water. Qualifying was very difficult. Rinaldi took place in the third segment, but in the end times were not so good. To be honest, at some point, they have lost hope, but in the end decided to take a chance. According Rinat, «tactics to cool the tire, then to jerk» fire only once, because usually, after cooling, Pirelli tires do not give the desired effect, but this weekend the tactics worked again. On the last lap Norbert Sidler, who was driving a shot so that in one fell swoop has overtaken all times and was on the pole position.

It was he who started in the night race. It began already dark, it was broadcast on Moscow at 10 pm, we started to turn. Norbert fully played his pole, did not give anyone any chance and immediately became leaders. It was the first time a textbook. His polgonki he unequivocally lead, then the team has adopted the tactics of late pitstop, Norbert has created a very comfortable lead, he drove into the pits, when there was a stampede to the pitlane, changed places with Marco and went to watch the race from the pits. Marco returned to the track in the first position and held it until the end. Everything is perfect.

Aside from absolutely terrible Crush, which occurred in the early arrival at the end of 12 minutes.

Оn a timer to watch the race from 48:20, the timer YouTube — to 25:16.

Bentley Boys — they are all crazy. On the road, they behave as if the laws are not written for them, but, despite the talk in the pits, he is getting away with it. In Moscow, standing on the podium, they are under the anthem of Russia pulled kombeza on the causal place to show how they all otymeyut. But they are going really great.

They are so «Bad boys», it's even beautiful, but because of his daring driving style are not only the constant fall in the accident, but also provoked massive blockages.

This time they did not share the track with the Audi R8 of the Belgian club «Audi» at No. 1. It is difficult to say who is to blame: according to the night staff, Jules Zimkoviak at Bentley, is involved in the youth championship Silver Cup, just do not see it on the left to overtake Audi, hit her on the starboard side and then flew to the bumpers with her. Crash was terrifying, even worse, that it is in the darkness, and it is impossible to immediately assess the scale of destruction. Debris littered the entire route and seyfiti car immediately went to the track to gather participants. Audi suffered a lot stronger, but worse was the fact that the team of Laurence Vanthuur Belgian Audi Club Team WRT, though, and got out of the car alone, almost could not walk, and he was immediately sent to hospital. True, they say that it has managed just stretching.

GT Russian Team Viatti finished yesterday with a finish and a gravel pit, but because Sprint runs two-car teams — the ones that go in the category Pro Am, the competing two «Mercedes» only among themselves, but in the overall standings for the season rivals much more.

According to the regulations in the second race kicks off the second pilot of the team, so Sunday's race opened the green of the Ferrari 458, this time with Marco Zifridom driving. If Norbert — «gold» pilot, then Marco is only the silver category, even though it goes very cool. And most importantly, he is incredibly tough. Speaking at Le Mans this year in the team, Patrick Dempsey (by the way, the second place in the category LMPGT ProAm), from the 24 hours he spent at the wheel 10, and 10 went to a third team member and Hollywood star more about their business and meetings. Together with Ferrari Marco on the first starting line stood Lamborghini Huracan exactly the same green, and behind them — the Brazilian and Belgian BMW Z4 R8. While Brazilians are trying to break through on the sly two green cars, Marco «closed gate», and because of this missed the «Lamba». It was extremely disappointing, especially since «Lamborghini» has become rather quickly removed.

«I do not understand how this happened,» — said Marco at the finish. But in actual fact, everything is clear. This point can also be recorded in the textbook: behind you is a red herring, your main rival has time to take advantage of confusion and go forward.

But what happened next, just two of the circle, can be called almost a miracle. At some point I thought that Marco just found in the Ferrari additional button type «boost», pushed her, caught up «Lamba» nose twitched around, calculating which side is better to overtake and then just took it. Just I passed! And it was done so clean, nice and cool, it can be a standing ovation!

Certainly, Lamborghini was not going to give up just like that. Pilot by the name of Kujala tried to oppose something Zifridu, but then again a textbook rear drove Bentley. Its pilot Maxi Beech also claimed the leadership and became very active «pressed» «Lamba», forcing the defensive, thus giving the opportunity to increase the advantage Rinaldi. Pit stop «our» ideal held, this time almost drove first, as soon as the window opened. They lead to the final part of the race was more than 5 seconds, and it has no one attempted.

But absolutely incredible struggle took place for the 4th place between the Brazilian crew numbered 77, and Nissan GT-R at number 173 for almost 10 minutes of the final race. That composure with which Brazilians defended by Stalking «Nissan», again worthy of inclusion in the chronicle.

Waldo Brito behind the wheel of # 77 has not made any mistakes, but several times made mistakes Craig Dolby, clearly stood the path and forced the opponent to rush along the road to find overtaking opportunities. The «Nissan» once managed to still overtake BMW, but only for a few seconds until the pilot made no mistake with the trajectory. Coming out of the turn too wide, GT-R again lost ground and is no longer able to return them. At the same time he was objectively faster, but it is not tactically is consistent (with 11:21 to watch the race timer and timer 1:34:52 YouTube).

By the end of the race it began to rain. Looking at this, Norbert Sidler further increased its pace. «I did not know whether the rain intensified, and found it necessary to increase the distance in case of emergencies,» — he said at the finish. The result — more than eight seconds, winning the second jump on the podium and 2nd place in the team standings. Separation from the third place, although small, only 5 points, but what a welcome!

There was one race in Zandvoort, Bentley Team HTP backs with a difference of 5 points. Another two points from them is the same Brazilian team to BMW — BMW Sports Trophy Team Brasil. We would, of course, would be better if the second race of Nissan traveled and the gap would have been a little more, but the courage of the Brazilian and his strong nerves can not but pay tribute.

The Pro Am ranking second race was won by the crew of Alexei Vasiliev and Marco Asmera, Alex Karachi and Christoph W. Bush — the second. Congratulations guys!

As a postscript. Do not accuse me of snobbery, but the last two years because of a series of ring only that gives me a real interest. And it's not just that here go «their» or go to the start unreal supercars. The fact is that everything happens for real, guys are cut and seriously as if they are immortal, and the spectacle and the real struggle not just happen from time, and every weekend, every race. Having visited a few times in their competitions, and seeing in the competitions 60 times (!!!) cars — such as on a daily race of «Spa», I believe that as long as they have no competition. God forbid promoter Stephane Ratel series of long life. Well, we are waiting for the finals in the Dutch Zandvoort and cheer for our!

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