Chinese triumph Citroen

World Championship World Touring Car Championship on the track in Shanghai ended with a double victory for the riders of the French team — and the first and second race was won by representatives of the «double chevron».

World Championship World Touring Car Championship on the track in Shanghai ended with a double victory for the riders of the French team — and the first and second race was won by representatives of the «double chevron». This tempo could compete with them, perhaps, only the pilots of the Russian team Lada — and it's nice.

The balance of power was evident already in the qualification — in the first five appeared all four factory Citroen. The best time showed the current world champion and leader of this year, Jose Maria Lopez. His teammate Ma Qing Hua, for which China has become a milestone in home race, the best time in both training sessions, but in qualifying became only the second, losing to Argentine.

The third time in the qualifying heats at the only rider in the group of leaders, speaking in a Citroen — they became Nicky Katsburg of Lada. And after him — another couple of cars «double chevron» running Sebastien Loeb and Yvan Muller.

It confirmed the high rate of the pilots of the Russian team, Rob Huff — he finished sixth qualifications.

Start of the first race was not without a major accident, which injured several riders. Tom Coronel, Rob Huff, Tom Chilton, Gabriele Tarquini and John Philip went down the road and Ma Qing Hua fell from the second position to the end of the peloton.

In all this mess Sebastien Loeb and Yvan Muller managed to get ahead of Nicky Katsburga — the Frenchman fell back to fourth position.

Judges were forced to release the safety car on the track in order to eliminate the consequences of the accident.

Restart not affected the situation in the first three — Jose Maria Lopez to keep the lead, and Yvan Muller and Sebastien Loeb covered his rear, simultaneously battling with each other. So they got to the finish line, keeping the original order.

Nicky Katsburg led his Lada to the finish line in fourth position — he was able to leave behind the «private» Citroen Mehdi Bennani.

Nicolas Lyaper a long time was the sixth, but on the last lap he walked Norbert Mihelits. As a result, the Frenchman in seventh place. A Rotten at the start of the tail of the peloton Ma Qing Hua could not please their fans, fellow — he did not get to finish the first race.

Hat-trick pilots Citroen's first run brought the French team a second consecutive victory in the team competition of the world championship WTCC.

The second race of the weekend and started with an accident. Winner of the pole position South Valente did not share the road with Gabriele Tarquini. As a result, «crush» in the first turn of arrival, the Italian continued to fight, but the Frenchman was forced to lay down their arms. After the finish of the race Valente scandal, expressing Tarquini what he thinks of him.

Fizzled out and the pilot Lada Nicky Katsburg — also on the first lap.

Because of the rules of reverse lattice winners of the first race — the pilot factory team Citroen — started at the tail of the top ten. However, they very quickly flashed the peloton — and ended up in the group of leaders. Launched Yvan Muller fifth to tenth circle went into the lead-in, and Jose Maria Lopez to ninth place at the start of the end of the fourth round in third place — Citroen showed just unreal speed.

Muller finished the second race in Shanghai winner. Intransigence and experienced Gabriele Tarquini finished second — he was able to repel all attacks Jose Maria Lopez, who took third place in the end.

The fourth race ended Sebastien Loeb. The fifth result at the best representatives of the Russian team Lada Rob Huff. His teammate Nicolas Lyaper the ninth.

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