Renault Lotus F1 eat

Renault and the company investors are willing to contract to buy Lotus F1.

«The signature under the letter of guarantee — is the first step in the project to return Renault factory team in the 2016 season and the expansion of cooperation with the world's major racing series, which has been going on for 38 years. In the coming weeks and Gravity Renault Group will work together to implement this intention in the real deal if all the terms and conditions will suit them and other interested parties », — says in a statement the Renault Group.

This means that soon the majority stake in the team Lotus F1 can move the company Renault, investment firms Gravity Sports Management and Genii Capital.

Information on plans for acquisitions team appeared for a long time, especially since Lotus F1 is now a huge financial problems because they not only can not modify their cars, but can not pay taxes. In turn, for Renault, this command can serve as an excellent base to return to motor racing.

At the moment, the team Lotus belongs to the Luxembourg businessman Gerard Lopez.

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