Rolls-Royce rugby

Rolls-Royce Wraith coupe introduced a special version for the Rugby World Cup.

Balls for rugby — application for spetsversii coupe Wraith, who prepared the specialists of the company Rolls-Royce. Release of news dated to the eighth Rugby World Cup, which runs from September 18 to October 31 in England.

The car body is painted in a special white color, which should be associated with football school shirts, which played rugby in 1823.

Coupe is equipped with a 6.6-liter turbo engine 633 hp V12 power and 800 Nm, working together with the 8-step «automatic». On disperse hundreds rugby-car will take 4.6 seconds.

By the way, the engineers have equipped the vehicle 1300 watt music complex, which they developed two years. But in the rest of the seats in the rapids and suffered a symbol of the England rugby — red rose.

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