Frankfurt Motor Show: Artega Scalo

Company Artega came with the old spotkarom under a new name.

«Bankrupt» — with this status Artega company faced in 2012. Such a state of affairs, it came very quickly — it was founded in 2006. The first car was released in 2007, but despite uleplastikovy body and 300 hp under the hood of the model is not caught. Moreover, engineers have not been able to collect the promised 500 copies Coupe Artega GT and had to return the advance payment to clients. There have been attempts to create a model SE c an electric motor, but investors are not willing to believe Artega.

Well, Now another attempt to enjoy the audience — sports car Scalo. True, in fact it is almost the same model GT / SE, but a little more refined.

Engineers decided to switch to electric. More precisely, the sports car equipped with two electric motors Voltabox with water cooling. As a result, the total capacity was 530 hp and 780 Nm.

The weight of the car is 1585 hp, and will go to disperse hundreds of 3.6 seconds. Top speed is limited to 250 km / h. Reserve enough for 400 kilometers, but if the charge of the battery is discharged to 15%, and the maximum speed will drop to 200 km / h.

Incidentally, the battery is fully charged from a conventional wall outlet will take 10 hours, and fast charging station — 1 hour.

Externally, the car has not changed much, unless there was avtoregulirumoe wing and 20-inch forged wheels with a central nut. And here is refined interior. Digital tidy set, audio system with 13 speakers and Multifunction.

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