Chinese counterfeit market

Chinese company keeps churning copied Zotye vehicles.

Volkswagen Touareg and Porsche Macan — is first copied cars that began to let the Chinese company Zotye.

Many people in China, they have taken to heart, as the price they have less biting than the originals. In a Porsche that were not happy. Representatives of the company was threatened by the Chinese colleagues to court.

However, the enthusiasm of Chinese experts could not calm. Preparing a new model — a crossover S21 (or the Audi Q3 in person).

Novelty is equipped with 1.5-liter gasoline turbo engine, working together with a 5-step «mechanics». Also, for an additional fee offer «CVT». As for the interior of the car, then there is the master copier plant decided to show imagination, borrowing only the gearshift lever.

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