The strength and beauty of rally «classics»

Sometimes life presents us with unexpected and pleasant surprises. Sometimes we find ourselves in exactly the right place to witness something beautiful and wonderful, exactly what we can please and inspire.

Sometimes life presents us with unexpected and pleasant surprises. Sometimes we find ourselves in exactly the right place to witness something beautiful and wonderful, exactly what we can please and inspire. So, for a man who devoted himself to botany, gift be raised under the feet of rare and unusual flower, and for fans of motor racing, rotated on racing cars, so the flower can be a beautiful and unique car.

As they say on the catcher and the animal runs. I went to Europe for the race «24 hours of Spa» and at the same time on the road visiting the Nurburgring, I learned that in the neighboring German town, 20 km from the Nürburgring, held a rally show of classic rally cars, among which claimed even a few held by Group B.

Drive past the festival this was not possible, and with camera at the ready, I went for adventure. Already at the entrance to the venue, it became clear that all of this seriously. Suddenly taking off because of the beautiful Lancia turning at full speed to douse us triumphant roar and flew on his racing business.

As it turned out, on that day all the major activities already came to an end, and the participants gathered in the Technology Park to continue the race the next morning. On the central streets of the town called Eifel is a beautiful and incredible rally legend, and to them like bees to honey, from all sides flocked locals stare at the beauty.

This rally is held here for many years, and traditionally attracts Down participants from different countries. This year the participation was registered 150 (!) Teams from 15 countries and four continents. The longest route before the start of the Kenyans and Americans have done, but because cars were presented mostly Europeans, but what!

From Volvo Amazon P122 and Austin Healey 3000 (both 1961 release) to the Peugeot 206 WRC of 2003. But individual decoration rally started 24 cars of group B plus rare prototypes, for example, Citroen DS and SM Proto or, for example, Skoda 160RS MTX, which in principle was built only 3 copies.

Each of the 150 cars it is a long story, most car owners contain repaired and restored to their money. But this year, joined by enthusiasts and manufacturers. Company Audi Tradition brought this Sport Quattro, the company put Mercedes Classic 450 SLC, Skoda Germany prepared Skoda 130RS. Representatives of Opel said replica of the famous vehicle in which Walter Röhrl performed in 1973 at the Monte Carlo Rally.

Porsche Classic original Safari brought 911 to remember the 1979 World Rally WRC year, and Volkswagen has surprised all fans of car Golf GTi, which in 1986 Peter Dieckmann won the world championship for the navigators in Group A. 

But, of course, the main attraction of the rally show was attended by stars of world motorsport, who came here to once again revive old.

Alternate vehicles, most of which is controlled by amateur athletes, led by a true legend of the rally — Walter Röhrl, Hannu Mikkola, Stig Blomqvist and Timo Salonen.

Walter Röhrl: «It's a miracle — to meet here so many of my former colleagues, that somehow I reminded the meeting classmates so much to remember! Well, the atmosphere is, of course, just amazing. For example, I am very pleased that here in the Technology Park came as spectators, and then, during the time of the rally, despite the bad weather, we were met in all the cities, and welcomed all the way. I think people love these old cars are not less than ours. »

Stig Blomqvist: «You know, the first time in 25 years I sat behind the wheel of the» Sierras»(Ford Sierra RS Cosworth) and yet immediately felt at home. Every year I come to this festival, and if they ask, I'll come again and again. This event I never miss it! "

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