World rally-cross. The black bar Solberg

No luck Petter Solberg, even cry! Losing streak that began in Sweden, continued in early August gathering in Canada, and now misses in the final at the home track in Norway.

No luck Petter Solberg, even cry! Losing streak that began in Sweden, continued in early August gathering in Canada, and now misses in the final at the home track in Norway. Commercials Norwegian can and a second title to lose, and it seemed that his peers this season will not...

But the weekend began to Solberg Jr. very well — yes, it was the younger, because at the start of the Norwegian stage left, and his brother Henning.

Petter won the first «hit». In the second, he broke a wheel and finished only 23th place, but the sum of the two series he finished the first day in seventh position. On the second day Solberg finished third, and fourth qualifying heats in the fourth and first place, respectively, which allowed him to confidently go to the semifinal races.

What is the first thing in the second semifinal slumped the most interesting part of the participants. In the first race on the pole turned Timmy Hansen, on a par with him was his teammate Peugeot-Hansen Davie Jeanne, then Anton Marklund, Reinis Nitishs Robin Larsson and Henning Solberg.

Petter Solberg took the pole in the second race, the joy of the Russian fans stood beside him Timur Timerzyanov, and behind them — Johan Kristoffersson, Andreas Bakkerud, Mattias Ekström and ALCS Danielsson.

It is interesting that exactly half of the participants in semifinal races — six of the 12 —okazalas hails from Sweden and that the Swedes have a major newsmakers semi-finals!

The first race was relatively calm. Yes, there was a struggle, were overtaking was easy contacts and torn bumpers, but all six riders reached the finish line arrival, missed only 17 seconds. Excelled in the race the Swede Timmy Hansen, the second place was taken by his comrade-in-arms to Joan Davi, and closed the top three winners another Swede Robin Larsson — it was a pleasant surprise.

The second race is not a rally-cross, and the «race to the bottom.» First, on the «joker-lap» Timur Timeryazyanova literally pushed to the outer radius — distinguished Per-Gunnar Andersson and Mattias Ekstrom. Then Andreas Bakkerud dealt with Petter Solberg. Pushing Citroen World Champion his countryman took the lead-in. But Petter was not lucky — he once pulled back from first place to third.

Traditionally, if the driver is in traffic, he immediately goes to the «joker-lap» in order to keep up with a little bit of rivals and jack up the pace on an empty track. But Solberg again not lucky — he only went back to fifth, leaving behind only trying to break up Timerzyanova.

As a Russian, Norwegian urgently needed to recoup, and he threw himself into the attack on the Ekström, but failed. Worse, «stumbled» on the Swede Petter was forced to throttle back, and as a result of his Citroen has received a severe blow from behind.

It was the Ford Timur Timerzyanova, however Kazantsev can not be blamed for the incident — he simply had nowhere to go. The result of accident was serious damage to the vehicle Solberg, whereby though he continued to move along the road, but too slow to count on getting to the final.

Timerzyanov rushed ahead and soon overtook Ekström. Too quickly, because overtaking Mattias Timur... drove in his Audi and flipped through the roof! Fortunately, the car stood on its wheels Russians, who rushed into the fray again. But the Swede was not lucky — his car was damaged and he previously Solberg was forced to lose pace.

But this event in the second semi-final is not over. The last and perhaps the main loser was the Andreas Bakkerud. He came off the left front wheel, he was forced to stop his Ford on the sidelines, thereby skipping Timur Timerzyanova to the third position and, respectively, in the finals! Besides him, he was the winner of the final arrival Per-Gunnar Andersson and ALCS Danielsson.

On the car after the finish Kazantsev arrival was terrible to watch. Mechanics had to urgently revive the machine. For example, they have removed the bumper with Ford Reinis Nitishsa.

However, their efforts were not crowned with success: Russians came at the start of the final race, but the technique still had failed him, he was forced to stop. The same fate befell the winner of the second semi-Per Gunnar Andersson.

The rest of the participants reached the finish line, where — as in the previous stage in Canada — unlike the semi-final rounds in the final fight was neat, there were no serious accidents and incidents.

Teammates Peugeot-Hansen Timmy Hansen and Davi Jeanne took the lead and flew the pair led the race. At some point in time the Frenchman had problems with the rear suspension, but even on a slightly ohromevshem car he was able to keep the right pace, not allowing yourself to one of the contestants.

However, the two pursuers Peugeot — two Audi Robin Larsson and ALCS Danielsson — not much, even approaching. The difference in class riders and the level of training of technicians made itself felt. Had the Swedes in place the same Solberg Jr., Ekstrom, Timerzyanov, Nitishs or Bakkerud and maybe Joan Hansen had to be tight. But all strong contenders dropped out of the fight before the final, allowing Timmy and Davie to celebrate a double victory Team Peugeot-Hansen.

Robin Larsson took third place, leaving the ALCS Danielsson in fourth position.

At the end of Phase Norwegian Petter Solberg retained the lead, but Timmy Hansen is approaching closer and closer — Swedish Norwegian separated by 41 points. The third is that Andreas is Bakkerud, but Joan Davi loses him only one point!

The next stage of the World Rally Championship-cross will be held September 4 in France.

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