Amateur-amateur rally supercars, or Accuracy — the politeness of these athletes.

I do not know whose guilt over the incident — whether the summer heat, or the power of Jaguar F-Type, and maybe a combination with one another leads to a knock, but this hot Saturday I will remember for a long time. At 11 am, we, together with other twenty-odd participants, started with a minute handicap from the restaurant «Water» to take part in the first navigational rally, organized by The Club. Yes, just The Club.

Terms were several: at your disposal is to be supertachka and you should be supershturman, well supernastroenie in addition!

It is clear that amateur rally (which is, of course, was almost R3K) can not be the rate because it goes on public roads and in the stream with the other machines. So our task was to sustain Saturday regularity of movement, ie. E. To go at all times with a clearly specified speed and arrive at your destination in strict time.

Difficult in this rally was that we knew the final destination (it was Konakovo River Club), but did not know his time. Therefore, the task navigator has to calculate the time of arrival based on the speed of movement, and she, in turn, regulated by traffic signs and traffic rules.

Legend has spelled out precisely and in detail, but, of course, «zakovyrka» where the crew could easily be mistaken — for example, miss the right, but completely unobtrusive twist on a return to so that valuable time was lost. Any error in the path of movement — and here begins the backlog, which is quite difficult to catch. Also Saturday — the day of summer residents, and the movement of the day on the roads rather dense, so that in addition to calculating the rate had also to anticipate traffic jams and congestion, and reserve time where possible.

But the most difficult was not it...

Jaguar F-Type 380 hp. s., where I took part in the rally, of course, is not the top-end version of the car (at the top-end under the hood V8 and 510 hp), but none meneeneveroyatno fast. In addition, because of the lighter engine front it is balanced and precisely controlled, more obedient. As on urban and suburban roads 510 liters. from. and check out the limitations of speed — anywhere.

But even 380 liters. from. under the hood are incredible temptation for someone who drives this car, and only in the regularity rally where you need to strictly observe traffic rules, so you do not settle (we are talking about conditional permissible exceeding 20 km / h, but not much else, that is. to. We are for the observance of traffic rules) — even more so. Although the leg stretches involuntarily pressed on the gas pedal, the mind says it is impossible! And this struggle every kilometer journey! No, this is intolerable!

The route has been divided into two parts — with a break for tea / coffee in the Golf & Country Club Forest Hills, where we were in good time in the form of games or learning to play golf. Heat standing on the day slightly spoiled the fun of this exciting action, however, the rally participants spent time with properly.

Incidentally, Forest Hills thereby was the place where we were able to put all of our cars together for a common photo.

Arrival in Forest Hill accompanied by certain excitement. Despite the fact that this intermediate point, we just «stopped» stopwatch without marking time in the control card, all the crews still worried about his time, but organizers were steadfast and responded only very tentatively, pumping intrigue.

By the way, not far from the golf club and was Dmitrov proving ground, and it would be very useful to organize there any contest-check like drag racing, but... not this time.

The second part of the route was longer than the first, but our crew he was simpler: my co-driver, a man richly endowed with brains, but not versed in the regularity rally, to understand the system, and now we were almost on the exact timing and speed. It is clear that the change of speeds the car will still lose some time to brake or a set speed, and it is also necessary to take into account.

At the finish in the «Konakovo River Club» According to our calculations, we have deviated from the target time of 2.5 minutes, but it is assumed that the rest of the crews will miss even more, and as a real contender considered just our twin car — same Jaguar F-Type color Firesand, but by convertable. Imagine our surprise when the third step up guys who have difference with the ideal time was 2 minutes, the winners were less than a minute, and none of our F-Type took nothing! Here too, respected and do not underestimate your enemy!

Finish in Konakovo was nice not only summarizing and tasty BBQ Chef. A hot night in the cool river — it is always a pleasure, and the fact that on this day there has passed and the wedding of our friend, the speaker in the championship VLN, doubly brightened happening.

Navigational Rally of The Club was the first experience of the organizers of an event, the experience is quite good and interesting. And we, the participants, hope to continue.

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