Why measure the capacity of the car

When it comes to tuning the car, then the question of what to measure its power is usually not necessary. A civilian car?

When it comes to tuning the car, then the question of what to measure its power is usually not necessary. In this case, all is clear: it is necessary to know whether the tuning gave the desired result and whether increase horsepower. And if we are talking about civil cars without any tuning?

About that, what the ordinary motorist to measure the power of the car and how it can be helpful, told us the founder of tuning studio Total Race Ivan Kirilov.

In some cases it is necessary to measure the power of conventional civilian vehicle? How all this procedure can be interesting and useful to ordinary motorists?

Many people underestimate the necessity test your car on dyno, and that's very helpful. When you travel by car every day, usually do not feel small changes, even if the engine operating conditions have changed. A measurement at the stand showing the whole picture.

It is reasonable to take the first measurement as a reference, for example, when the car just acquired, to compare them with data of subsequent measurements. The stand can be seen not only the time and power of the vehicle on the graph, but also the important parameters reflecting the quality of work modes and engine and transmission.

You can connect a number of sensors, see the quality of the mixture, check exhaust standards, see the pressure of air and liquids at different points etc. That is on the dyno stopped — it is more advanced diagnostics of the car, than, for example, the result of motor-tester in the dealer services. Plus, in the course of driving is always a lot of background noise, and when the machine on the stand, you can hear the mechanical defects and objectively assess the need for further research, not leading to a critical failure, without ever distracting noises.

As you can see, the power of the car stopped as a diagnostic tool — it is a very necessary and useful procedure not only for sports cars, but absolutely for all motorists and their vehicles.

Metering allows immediately identify existing problems?

Often, yes. For example, many vehicles often break down oxygen sensors, and regular computer can not recognize the error and, it turns out, showing incorrect information. As a result, the machine can go on too rich mixture falls power consumption increases. A driver that may not notice, because «check-engine» does not light up. But when measured on the dyno with additional sensors can see everything at once.

Thus, measurement of helping at an early stage diagnose the problem and save the engine. After all, such things as incorrect or excessive temperature the mixture of exhaust gases, harmful to the engine, and if a long time to go to these faulty conditions, the engine will inevitably suffer.

And what is most often used dyno?

The most popular use dyno — for chip-tuning. The Russian market is full of various chips, firmware from a variety of companies. And when people promise to increase in power, the result is usually not checked. In fact, the driver is difficult to sense an increase in the 10–25 horsepower.

So, it's more psychological moment. It seems to think that they do not exist, but it seems like that is, because you have been aimed at getting those 10 plus forces. Stand just puts points on the «i». It is necessary to measure power before and after chip-tuning, and the result will be documented.

Harmful if measured power for the engine?

When measuring power dyno simulates the maximum load that the car feels when driving on the road. If the machine is faulty, then stand damage can occur. Another thing is that with the use of diagnostic equipment to avoid the probability of failure is higher than on the road, because you can quickly react and release gas. If everything is fine, it is not terrible: the vehicle is stationary, the inertia in the movement there, except that loud sound.

How froze on dyno meets the road conditions?

You have to understand that if you press in the city gas to the floor, it is not quite equivalent to the measurement of on the bench. The difference with the road dyno readings certainly is, especially it manifests itself on cars with turbo.

This difference is caused by several parameters. Basically — this acceleration the engine speed (or velocity cars), as well as temperature conditions, simply — blowing, which will be different on the road. Blowing at the speed of the airflow at 200 km per hour on the stand to create a rather expensive. Therefore, to avoid overheating cars, we use the fan direction, which is good enough in the engine coolant is cooled in those places where it is required. With regard to the acceleration, then this affects the force which has to stand the vehicle, to slow it down.

Many boards have special programs to simulate the operation of the road, count the air drag coefficient of adhesion of rubber coated track, and thus slow down the measurement using special brake system, which can be electrically (magnets) or hydraulic. However, there is no single proven scheme, so different stands can show different values. To compare the characteristics of your car it is important to use the same stand with the same settings, otherwise there is the risk of incorrectly interpreting the comparative characteristics.

It should also be understood that the roller stand always shows the power of the so-called «on wheels». That is, it is used to calculate the time that the engine through the transmission, drive, gear, wheels themselves transferred to the road to move the car forward. Thus all automakers indicate power to the engine, that is just the power that can be output motor cars, without losses in all the mechanisms of the path to the tires. Therefore, to convert one to the other have to use the so-called loss factor, which is not always obvious or documented. This nuance is also important to consider when comparing readings from different stands, because different operators can enter different factors.

We always use for comparison and adjustment wheel power, because the motor is a priori calculation with an error.

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