Being determines consciousness, or 5 days as a driver at the wheel of Mercedes-Maybach

Being behind the wheel of this car, you seem to get a quality inherent to him impressively, peace, strength, and even a certain irony in relation to others.

Strange this sensation — test Maybach. However, of course, it has long been not just a Maybach: First you need to add the «Mercedes», then it will be all right. Times when Maybach Maybach was long over. Back in the 60th year of the last century, the brand was bought by the concern Daimler, and few people remember, but Mercedes and Maybach initially were relatives, namely, Wilhelm Maybach was at the helm when the creation of the first «Mercedes». So what has been split, merge again.

In the early 2000s there was an attempt to revive the brand, but it was not successful, and so was the number of marketing and economic conditions. Shopping failure — so you can call what happened in the first decade of the new millennium, and this has led to the fact that the brand has been closed.

However, a sin to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs. Just a year later, rumors about the revival of Maybach. The only question is in what capacity. Maybach, which has always been a symbol of luxury, competed with the Bentley and Rolls-Royce, has now become a name options, symbolizing a top class car Mercedes. An unenviable agree. But as they say, lost his head, the hair do not cry. The sadness I felt for the fate of the famous German brand, will not affect the pleasure I experienced, having received in its use for 5 days Mercedes Maybach S500.

Since it is known that the Maybach do not buy to ride the wheel, and the option of chartering a driver I had, I decided not to feel embarrassment and try yourself as a limo driver. It remained only to pick up his cap.

As befits an expensive car driver, my first feeling of familiarity was trembling. Although there is. At first it was a surprise. Somehow I thought that when I see this car, I immediately experience the thrill, as before, when Maybach was still Maybach. I remember one of my friend's voice quivered and vibrated when he told another friend broke the «Maybach» drunk. And trembling at the moment of pronouncing the name of the car. I saw the S-Class. A big, black, shiny, beautiful, but S-class. Superficially the differences are small. Mercedes-Maybach slightly longer than the long version of the S-class.

But yes, S-class, too many causes trembling. And it is right.

Apart from the length, Maybach is different even chrome-pillar design, shortened rear door for the creation of private-area for passengers and a slightly modified radiator grille — if you are able to distinguish right from single dual antennae. Well, yes — two bukovkami «M» is a symbol of the brand, new rear rack on both sides. I do not remember?

I picked up the keys. The key is, by the way, is the same as that of the other models Mercedes, I do not like. I would like to Maybach differed in this from the others. After all, if I have a driver «Maybach» I have something to be proud of: the chief brought to work, parked the car, went into the room of drivers, so at least throw a wrench on the table as a human! But no. The same small, little black, weightless piece of plastic. And who will understand, that I — the driver «Maybach»?

Before the network behind the wheel, I look around the machine on all sides for scratches and chips, to fix them. Let the car and now costs 400 thousand euros as before, but still not cheap. If you do not palest hue 7 million for the Mercedes-Maybach S400, 8 million for the Maybach S500 and 12 million for the S600, and even look at the other side is not necessary.

Incidentally, Maybach is built only on the basis of the S-class, but they say that in the near future become a symbol Maybach top versions of each model and its content, such as the AMG. And Maybach is still its «tip», and it will be called Mercedes-Maybach Pullman. AMG will not, of course. Maybach and sport are two incompatible things. Although, I must say that the «bullet» it is not worse than a sports car.

Behind the wheel of a huge Mercedes-Maybach I feel surprisingly comfortable. Maybe just because I love big cars, but most of all, because here everything was done so that everyone is inside, felt no discomfort. Steering wheel and seat are regulated as if they can be rotated around the zero meridian. Huge screens are showing the surrounding area when moving back, I see what is in front, rear and sides of the car. It seems that when necessary, it will show the airspace and the bowels of the earth in the infrared or any other radiation — just ask.

As my first passenger I rolled into this car, looking at the monitor size is almost the entire front panel: «Only I wanted to see the» TV «in the whole car, you immediately invited me to the» Maybach «...»

He proved whether Modest, whether it was a pleasure to talk with me, rather than to feel «big boss», but he sat in the front passenger seat. Our journey was quite short, but even so I had time to hear a lot of commendable outpourings against the car. «What are the seats are soft and comfortable!» — Of course, but behind even more convenient, you do not want to try? «As he moves smoothly!» — Well, still, it's not just a suspension, and magic! «Magic body control» in action. «What a convenient monitor» — yes, it concentrated all the control, then, to find out, you need a couple of days at least to spend.

I personally like a luxury surrounding me. This is especially true of the car, as a space where I spend most of my time during the day. In the Maybach luxury does not bother — it helps. Excellent musical acoustics from Burmester. And silence.

I have long ceased to listen to in the car radio or other music. The number of decibels that we receive in everyday life, more than enough to go crazy, and then... And just a quiet rustle of the wheels on the asphalt — to not feel completely isolated from the outside world. Over soundproofing in this car worked on glory, alone thought through the comfort of rear passengers, there is an additional layer of paving the insulation and textile lining parts of the body. At the same time, in order that the driver always heard that he would say, even whisper, his significant passengers, Maybach used special microphones and amplifiers that make the human voice a little louder to understand. The driver does not need to turn back and ask again, «What did you say, boss?» He, by the way, do not need to turn...

When I ride their next passengers, two beautiful ladies know, I naturally wanted to not only listen to what they are saying, but most take part in the conversation. In the rearview mirror I saw them bad: girls settled reclining, with great comfort and is well below the rear window. Position the mirror, I decided not to change, so that, for example, at a stop at a traffic light, I tried to just turn in their direction. But there it was! The entire shape of the seat is designed so that the driver as little spit. It is not necessary to pry than there busy boss.

Two of my girl is completely imbued with the car's features. So all that I even felt envious: here you and massage you, and then heated (!) Armrests, seat ventilation, and then more than pleasant on a hot summer day. Movies by personal monitors, silver plated (or all the silver?) Glasses of champagne worth 3,800 euros for a couple, a fridge and if you want the opportunity to go though — so plainly laid out chairs, especially the right. Looking at them, I promised myself that I will also briefly here by the passenger, even though static.

Most of all I was struck by the passive safety for the rear passengers. Airbags there to provide everything, even seat belts at the base of the nest, so when you open the door leaves the nest accidentally damaged the passenger. And if the chair expanded to «reclining», that triggered yet another theft — under the front seat to lying, but maybe people do not sleep slid forward and not hurt his feet.

My third passenger not accustomed to expensive car feel «Maybach» is not too comfortable, and it seems to me, I sighed with relief when he got out of the vast interior. However, it is possible to realize an unnecessary luxury, too annoying, especially if you feel like a stranger in it and do not know what to do. White skin, white carpets, weight gadget that is equipped with a car can scare, and it is also a normal reaction. But we, the journalists, the people familiar places and jaded in our arsenal and it happens!

But what I want to say: all the same rights were materialists. Your very existence defines your mind. Being behind the wheel of a superb car, you seem to get a quality inherent to him impressively, peace, strength, and even a certain irony in relation to the smaller brothers. A lesser brothers in our case — almost everything.

With the traffic police inspector stopped me I was talking about that with love. I understand: he just wanted to look at the car — The Flying Dutchman, driving for me, according to observers, was virtually invisible. And when he saw that the driver is still there, but still it is a woman, a smile on his face stretched from ear to ear. It's nice to deal with smiling inspectors!

When I ride all, it has firmly decided to move to the back seat. By the way, the street was the rain, but it did not bother me. To back seats, I do not need to go out.

And here I am at the end. I sit behind the right — as it is the «bonus» place. A special button you can push the front seat so as to release more space for the conversion of their own chair to the bed: as it happens, for example, the right first class transatlantic flights. Pulling the tired feet, I include massages (I recommend «hot rocks») and relax. Relaxes so that falling into slumber from which I was taken a phone call. I understand that you can not just move around the city, but here you can live. To sleep, eat, work, watch TV, relax. However, all right. The price Mercedes-Maybach laid the price. However, the apartment was not so big and comfortable.

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