Where will Fernando Alonso go?

Fernando Alonso’s career remains in limbo. There are increasing speculations in the media that the driver may switch from Ferrari to McLaren. However, those are nothing but rumours until the contract is officially signed.

Fernando Alonso’s career remains in limbo. There are increasing speculations in the media that the driver may switch from Ferrari to McLaren. However, those are nothing but rumours until the contract is officially signed.

Alonso’s sponsor Banco Santander is engaged in negotiations with McLaren. The last time two sides met was at the U.S. Grand Prix; however, there is no word about any results yet. The contract is likely to last for two or three Formula 1 seasons.

McLaren racing director Eric Boullier is losing patience. In his interview to German newspaper Bild, he said: “We want to have Fernando’s decision between Brazil and Abu Dhabi. We have had good conversations with him, he would fit well with us and he has signalled that he wants the job. However, we want a long-term solution — three years — not just a contract for one.”

Apparently, Fernando Alonso wouldn’t mind switching to a different race car, a Mercedes for instance, the one he was eyeing up during the U.S. Grand Prix. There are only two races left before the end of the season, meaning that the final decision will be taken in the nearest future.

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