Volvo introduces a triple-turbo engine

Volvo’s engineers have created a new powertrain concept fitted with twin turbos and an electrically powered turbo feed.

Volvo’s engineers have created a new powertrain concept fitted with twin turbos and an electrically powered turbo feed.

Volvo decided to rule out 6- and 8-cylinder engines, focusing on 3- and 4-cylinder variants. Together with that, the company’s engineers have been working on new-generation boost system and hybrid power units.

Quite recently, the automaker has developed a power unit, which comprises a petrol-powered four-cylinder High Performance Drive E Powertrain Concept fitted with twin turbos and an electrically powered turbo feed. This unit produces 450 horsepower.

How does it work? The electrically powered turbo feed maintains a constant stream of pressurised air to the two other turbos, which eliminates the turbo lag. The four-cylinder engine features a new injection system, when fuel is supplied to the cylinders via a high-tech fuel pump at an ultra-high pressure of 250 bar.

So far, Volvo has not made any official statements which models are going to carry the new system and have not unveiled the exact technical characteristics of the new power unit.

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