Lotus cuts workforce to create something new

Within the next 10 years, the British company Lotus plans to refine and expand its model range. However, to start with, they will have to cut the workforce by a quarter.

Within the next 10 years, the British company Lotus plans to refine and expand its model range. However, to start with, they will have to cut the workforce by a quarter.

“You will see many new variants of familiar Lotus models over the next nine months, and even more in the next two years. Our cars will be faster, better made and more convenient to use but we will keep our relationship with Toyota as an engine partner so the cars will be also be very reliable and easy to own”, said Lotus CEO Jean-Marc Gales when talking about the company’s future.

In order to implement all company’s plans, Lotus has to take down its productions costs through cutting the workforce. Its further plan is to sell 3,000 vehicles per year. As simple as that.

The company wants to produce more consumer-related models meant for everyday life and not for unforgettable racing weekends only. With this aim in view, a sedan and a SUV will arrive in the nearest future.

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