1/2 mile

Pavel Nizkin, , 3754, 0

Unlim 500+ results on-line

Translation of the results of training, qualifying and final races Unlim 500+ Dragtimes.ru on site
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Unlim 500+ 16–16: intrigue returns to competition

In the sixteenth festival a third updated list of participants. Competitions will be held May 21–22 at the Dmitrov NAMI research ground.
Pavel Nizkin, , 1431, 0

Pavel Nizkin, , 1643, 0

Pavel Nizkin, , 1716, 0

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Exactly one month left before the grand festival of supercars Unlim 500+ 16–16. In the race at a distance of 1/2 mile converge the fastest and most beautiful cars.
Pavel Nizkin, , 2082, 1, 0

Pavel Nizkin, , 3482, 1, 0

Tickets for guests of Unlim 500+ 16–16

Friends! We are pleased to announce the start of pre-sale tickets for the guests of the 16th Festival Unlim 500+.
Pavel Nizkin, , 1841, 0

Happy Birthday!

Today is the birthday of the director Dragtimes, its founder and mastermind Andrew Veremeev!

Pavel Nizkin, , 1748, 4, 0

Pavel Nizkin, , 1540, 0

Pavel Nizkin, , 1799, 1, 0

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Photos from Unlim 500+ Destination Greece «14

Photos from Unlim 500+ Destination Greece 2014!

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Unlim 500+ destination Greece 2014 live streaming

Youtube Live streaming from Unlim 500+ Destination Greece will be avialeble on Dragtimesinfo Youtube channel tomorrow at 10:00 AM:


Pavel Nizkin, , 1551, 7, 0

Unlim 500+ Greece 2014

Dear friends! We have great news for you. We would like to announce “Unlim 500+ Greece 2014”! We are inviting participants and spectators to travel with us to the Greek island of Crete on November 29–30. You will be able to watch a great number of most powerful and most beautiful supercars, join a wonderful company, and enjoy a fantastic festival of speed.

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Maria Melnikova, , 1848, 1, 0

For the first time ever! Minsk hosted Unlim 500+ Festival of Supercars “Belarus velcom Racing”

On August 9–10, 2014, the Russian Unlim 500+ Festival of Supercars had its first guest performance in Minsk, the capital of Belarus. Another first-ever experience was adoption of Olympic single-elimination system as the final part of the tournament. The event was organised by Dragtimes team together with the Belarusian promoter Racing.by and was held on the territory of Minsk-1 airport. More than 5,000 spectators attended the festival and really enjoyed the event even in spite of hot weather.

Pavel Nizkin, , 1493, 0

Unlim 500+ Belarus velcom Racing festival of supercars will be held this weekend!

The first festival of supercars in the history of Belarus will take place in just a few days! All these supercars will arrive not just to work as showroom queens but to pit against each other on a 1-km distance. The festival will run for two days — August 9 and 10.

Pavel Nizkin, , 1991, 12, 0

Unlim 500+ Belarus velcom racing — soon!

Unlim 500+ is coming to Belarus! The famous festival of supercars will be held on August 9–10, on the territory of the Minsk-1 airport! The most powerful cars will compete on a 1,000-m distance. Qualifying will be held on Saturday, August 9th, while the spectacular final runs will take place on Sunday, August 10th.

Pavel Nizkin, , 1269, 5, 0

This year’s most eagerly anticipated automotive event: Unlim 500+ Festival of Supercars in Minsk!

Racing.by team and Dragtimes.ru are happy to present the famous Unlim 500+ festival of supercars “Belarus velcom Racing”, which will be held on August 9–10 at the Minsk-1 airport. This festival will become a real gem in the 2014 racing season. For the first time in Belarus, supercars will be competing with each other on a 1,000-m distance. Qualifying will be held on Saturday, while the elimination runs will take place on Sunday, August 10. You will also be able to watch Stunt Riding and Drift shows.

, , 1403, 5, 0

Club 300+ for 1-km distance created based on the results of the 12th Unlim 500+ round

12th round of Unlim 500+ festival of speed was held on May 31 — June 1. Even though the distance has been reduced to 1000 m, several cars were able to reach the speed over 300 km/h when crossing the finish line. We have already told you about the Club 300+, which comprises vehicles able to reach the trap speed of over 300 km/h at a 1-mile distance. Now it’s time to create a new Club 300+ for similar results achieved at the distance of 1000 metres: http://unlim500.ru/en/club-300/

Pavel Nizkin, , 1566, 5, 0

Unlim 500+ Stage 12 от AUTO24 TV broadcast

Must see! Friday, 27.06, 9:30 p.m — TV channel Auto24 (NTV+ «Light» broadcast).

Andrey Veremeev (Dragtimes LLC Director) and Maria Melnikova (Dragtimes Press-officer) on air at tv show programm «Lomovye novosti».

Pavel Nizkin, , 1409, 17, 0

Welcome to Unlim 500+ «Belarus»

Dear friends! We are very glad to give you a very good news. On August 9 and 10 the festival Unlim 500+ «Belarus» will take place! The venue is Minsk-1 airport, which is in the capital of republic. At this time on-line registration is already open on the Unlim 500+ official website.

Maria Melnikova, , 1004, 10, 0

Happy birthday!